At last good news comes to me, i had waited for so long and it is really looooonnnnnggggg! i knew that i will only get this goods news by end of the year because my luck is always in the year end and not in the middle of the year, just like those day i met my SUPERMAN! hahahhahah 
Thanks God that I'm not broke during this few months while I'm still hunting for job. I'm glad that my parents and sister do support me all the time by giving me so much of motivation, and of course with the financial support, hehe! Not much, but at least I'm not starve to death! I really appreciate them so much and glad that my parents NEVER nag me at all and rush me to get a job, although I'm stress free from my family, but i did gave myself lot of stress during this few month
I felt bad and sorry to my beloved one while I'm still unemployed!
Then is my sweet heart, he has been driving me to all of the interview that i went in KL. I knew that he hate the jam and rushing here and there, but he still do it for me, I LOVE YOU
Thanks a lot my fatty, i know you love me so JUST SAY IT!! LOL Don't become like "Daniel the denial" 
At the same time i also have to thanks to a PIG that intro me freelance job and at least i got something to do and earn some pocket money, even though all of the tasks given is pressure me but i did gain some useful information from the tasks. Although it is just a part time, yet i have high demand on myself. Every time i went for any interview, she will definitely wish me good luck, then always ask me
"how was the interview?", then every time i forget to sms her, then she will sms complaint why i didn't get back to her, then every time she said she will wait for my good news, and every time i will give her bad news.
Besides that, thanks to some other friends which had helping me to get a job, I'm touched of it and appreciate your help, you guys really being such a sweet heart and helpful person
Last but not least, thanks to everyone who guide me throughout this few months, i love you guys!
I'm glad that i met nice peoples like my you all, my family
my darling
my pig
and my friends
. What else I demand for?
Thanks God that I'm not broke during this few months while I'm still hunting for job. I'm glad that my parents and sister do support me all the time by giving me so much of motivation, and of course with the financial support, hehe! Not much, but at least I'm not starve to death! I really appreciate them so much and glad that my parents NEVER nag me at all and rush me to get a job, although I'm stress free from my family, but i did gave myself lot of stress during this few month
Then is my sweet heart, he has been driving me to all of the interview that i went in KL. I knew that he hate the jam and rushing here and there, but he still do it for me, I LOVE YOU
At the same time i also have to thanks to a PIG that intro me freelance job and at least i got something to do and earn some pocket money, even though all of the tasks given is pressure me but i did gain some useful information from the tasks. Although it is just a part time, yet i have high demand on myself. Every time i went for any interview, she will definitely wish me good luck, then always ask me
Besides that, thanks to some other friends which had helping me to get a job, I'm touched of it and appreciate your help, you guys really being such a sweet heart and helpful person
I'm glad that i met nice peoples like my you all, my family
♥ Bless
everyone that i love is happy always no matter where are they and what are they doing♥