Friday, May 21, 2010

empty chocolate with a perfect wrapper!!! ARGGGGG

Thought want to have a break have a chocolate this evening, so i opened up my fridge and found a box of chocolate. And i decided to pampered myself with a cup of coke and some chocolate by choosing the first chocolate in the box with the orange color wrapping paper, and when i pick it up i noticed that it was EMPTY inside, WTF!!!!!!

And after that i try to check each of the chocolate, and i found that OUT OF 6 CHOCOLATES that wrapped with orange color wrapping paper got 5 IS EMPTY!!! Who is the heartless seller that put in only the wrapper without chocolate???? DAMN!!!!

All the stupid stuffs that wrapped in the hamper can't be trusted ANYMORE!!! YOU'RE CHEATING!!!! Curse the stupid seller!!!!

 I feel like throwing this box of chocolate back to the seller!!! %$#@^&*(@#!$%^

"Little White"

Passed by the pet shop that Big Cow bought Pico, and i saw a "little white"!!! Ah....she is so lovely!!! My heart feel like buying her immediately but too bad my parents are not allow it, SAD!!!!!!!!! 

I spent one hour at the pet shop, playing with the little white and get some useful information from the lao ban niang!

I really feel like buying the "Little White" =(

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

P.I.C.O my cheefulnut

This few days was awesome with Pico beside me and i got the opportunity to stay in 1.3 Million house!!! Sorry that I'm being so "jakun", as i knew that it is impossible for me to have the chance to stay and live in such a Million price of house, the environment here is irresistible and how i wish that i have such a huge house =)

Wanted to snap some pictures of this house but because there is the cctv and i shall respect the owner too =)

Is good to have Pico with me these several days, I'm so tempted to get a toy poodle for myself!! I shall said that i want PICO!!!!! 

It is cute to see Pico beside me while I'm online in the room =) Mummy ♥ Pico!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Toy Poodle-PICO =)

TOY POODLE!!!! Can't believe that big cow bought a toy poodle, first i was afraid of dog, but slowly i get used to it already yet i still phobia with dogs leh! I need to overcome this phobia =)

His name is PICO!!! I really can't wait to see him again, pico!

Nah, your new daddy! Mr Big Cow!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Doraemon??!! My new nick??? Hmm...

This morning have a short chit chat with Lily, and she called me "San Dora"???!!!
Ah ma, you dah tua ke? pandai pandai change my name huh, anyways i love it!
Thanks for the creative idea that you make me laugh =)
And then hor, don't know how TCK can relate that topic and together with my name with the suggestion of "DORAEMON" as my new name!!!
OMG!!! That was really a SUCK NAME DARLING!!!
No Doraemon for me ok!
It is really obvious that me and that creature got the different size ok!
He is just so CHUBBY and CUTE!! While I'm obviously SKINNY!!!
Where is the relation??
Anyways, i used to like Doraemon when i was young. I mean like it as in i did watched the cartoon on television, but not until crazy of this animation until my this age. Not even for Disneyland cartoon, Winnie the Pooh, Hello Kitty, Snoopy and all the cartoons that still exist until now. 
Sorry for the harsh words, can't take it when someone relate me thing...
Anyways, good night and just go ahead of whatever you like. And of course i have the thing that i like it too, which is BIG COW!!

Friday, May 7, 2010


I get to know this funny thing whereby some people thought that my post in Facebook and in this Blog was about a particular person, and DID I EVER MENTIONED THAT PARTICULAR NAME IN MY BLOG? Found out this from the discrepancy when another particular person talk and also from my Live Traffic Feed that catch all the "foot print" when the reader drop by to my blog. And from the trace back, that is how they search my blog.

1. Go to "Google".
2. Type in "cassandra cxxx sxxx kxxx blog". (I wonder why got such silly people search my blog by key in my FULL NAME!!! GOK!!!)
3. Then wala, "READER" found my Blog name "Cassandra Chua". 

WELCOME TO MY BLOG!!!(P/S: I'm always welcome YOU!)

I LOVE to write, LOVE to write everything that i have observed, LOVE TO WRITE THE "HIDDEN FACT!!!" And the most important thing that i would like to tell my "LOVELY READER" is, you don't need to be so troublesome google just to search my blog website address, all you need to do is JUST ASK FROM ME AND IT IS MY PLEASURE TO TELL YOU THE URL OK!! And it is obviously that i didn't hide anything from anyone and ANYONE CAN READ IT!

Just a genuine REMINDER to my READER, don't ever felt bad after you have read this blog because you have choose to walk in to this space and always bear in mind that the article is nothing to do with you. My life is not only you and you and you...and YOU!! I got so many things to do and i faced and facing so many people in my life. So DON'T PERASAN OK!!!

All i want to said is don't attempt to become like a PUSSY CAT if you're a the hidden tiger, because it is really irritating to call you "MEOW~~ PUSSY CAT~~"

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

April outings

Advanced i already posted all of these picture in my facebook, April outting was awsome, early of April i went to Medan, mid April i went to Penang and end of the month i went to Gadek Hot Spring at Alor Gajar. Medan with colleague, it was just an experience. While Penang trip was with my ♥, and it was definitely awesome because i have someone special with me. And for end of the month, i went to somewhere in Melaka for hot spring, the water was really HOT and it makes me felt dizzy and dificculties to breath, was a good try but i don't think i will go there again, haha! 
So here are some of the picture taken in April**
Yah, that is Wan Ling and YeeHeng's Baby boy name Jeffery =) He is chubby cutebby, visited him in Penag eh...i think is in Butterworth, can't remember where is where already =P Baby boy will always be my first choice, bluek!!
Ok, this is the only nice food that we had in Penang. Anyways, we do not have much opportunity to explore all the foods in Penang *REGRET* but i will visit Penang again one day, weewee~ Oh ya, this is ASAM LAKSA la~
Woohoo, going to reach KEK LOK SI!!! ----> *This way please*
Focus on the "syampu yang paling laris-Follow Me shampoo", hmm....oh ya??
KEK LOK SI, here i come!!!
Tortoise, living in the pool. Oh ya, another interesting thing happenat here is an ang moh zha bo took my pic,i don't know for what purpose lo but she sid is for her ownselve, maybe she never seen a girl that is so skinny before... Haha! 
One of the view in KEK LOK SI, there are many different type of temples around there and it really makes me calm =)
He look fierce, yah! The weather was hot, and it was REALLY HOT!!! Yet he was patiently wait for me while I'm in one of the temple doing my prayer.
i ♥ my fatty
-Beautiful scupture-
This one huh, not really worth going up there since it is still under construction.
And wala~~The cable lift to go up thereeeee
-The HUGE Guan Yin-
On top of the hill ♥
After visit the Kek Lok Si, visited Batu Feringgi in the evening.
Always ♥ Beach
I just want to walk with you now and forever ♥
Act Cute!
But then end up i walk alone on the beach, where is he?
I can't remember what beer is this, ifnot mistake is German beer. Yah, is nice! *FOCUS THE ANG MOH!!! FOCUS ITTTTT....hmm, nothing, for fun*
Pizza, beer, the sand, the breeze, the sound of the waves...the relaxing~
At night, we went to Gurney Drive to try out the foods. So called "famous char kuey tiao", we got the wrong one =(
Cam-whore in the room =P
Been using this hp to snap picture for almost 4 years, i need a digital camera!!!
Can you see the rich man "TOY" at the ferry terminal.

And the BIGGEST one is MY TOY!!!

Penang bridge ^^
On the way to IPOH!!! makan-makan~
And that all for the 3 days 2 night Penng trip, thanks Fatty ♥

And below is my activity with my gals at the end of April. 
Forced to smile huh, the water is really hot! 
That's all for my April outing, actually i hate April. But those activities did colored up my terrible April. Hoping for a better May =)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Flood, rain...and the world going to end soon!

I dreamt of the heavy and terrible flood hits the city, i don't know where am i...and i saw that people are screaming and running with the messy environment. And i was searching all over the city, looking for the the familiar batman car but i can't find him, the rain is getting heavier and the flood are almost covered up the whole city yet i didn't give up. Huea is not online and i don't understand why until this situation i can still waiting and hoping for Huea to online (STUPID!!!)

That was really terrifying!!! Out of sudden i have to fight with the weird dream with the horrible flood and without any signal the world are going to end so quickly! Damn, this will not going to happen ok!!! Because i still got so many things haven't done yet!!! In fact the dream had shown that, my family and BigCow is the one that in my though when such tragedy happen! Of course everyone does that, family and the beloved one =)

The best part of the dream is, by the time i found him and running toward him just want to hug him. HE IMMEDIATELY STOP ME!!! And he said that he already bath and now he is clean while I'm dirty and wet because of the heavy rain and flood, and i was stunned =.=!!! Funny~

Anyways, it was just a WEIRD DREAM!!! and i miss him so much =(

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hate Sunday hate Monday, hate separate with him...

When he told me that he is ging back on Sunday night and when i see him pack his stuff on Sunday evening, i feel sad and moodless!

Everytime i'm excited to wait for his arriving, and really wish to spend more time with him. But when it comes to end of the week, that is the time for me to say "Good-Bye", and i have to wait for another week to meet up with him.

Sometime love is complicated, it brings joy, it brings sadness as well...So what you can do is just enjoy the mood swing of this creature!!

Anyways, i just want to say that "i don't want to say good bye to you"....