Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Alviss Kong's Suicidal Case.

Ok, recently everyone been talking about this silly guy Alviss Kong's suicide tragic. And i just got a clear photo on his last picture before he died and was surprised that actually was his last photo that he uploaded in Facebook before he jump off from the building, no wonder la that photo look ugly. I means looks weird with the eyes "sengit", that is the tears rolling in his eyes.

And some people even labeled him as ROMEO! Er, harlo...this is what you all call as RO-ME-O??? INSANE!!!

Seriously, i felt so pity to his family for this tragedy, i believed everyone who loved him would feel heartache for his leaving. 

Another silly thing is, before he committed suicide he still got mood to facebook-ing and count down the minute to jump off from building? Got mood to snap the teary face and uploaded in Facebook? You see, people nowadays are so into Facebook, whatever they do Facebook status will be the first one they think of it. NEVER FORGET TO UPDATE THE STATUS ON EVERYTHING THAT IS DOING (just like me). Even commit suicide also need to "hint" in Facebook, i wonder if he suicide by cutting his vein, i think he will posted even in detail of THE PROCESS OF SUICIDE!!! Cool right??? 

But still, this is a so sad that nobody can save him on time even with those "hint" that he mentioned in Facebook. Perhaps that is his destiny...? RIP Alviss Kong. 

Below is some photo that i taken from others' blog =)

The last photo that uploaded by him with the teary eyes.

The "hint" and the countdown.