It happened on Monday 011208, Kuanru sms me and asked me to looked up on the sky, but too bad i see nothing from my balcony and the sky seem like reddish! I missed the smiley face on the sky :( but i got this pic from Erica, Thx ya!
I like this pic, the stars and the moon...it seem like so perfect~the smiley face on the sky...it look sweet and romantic :) People said that phenomena is the "chang-er" is smiling!!!! Hmm, i guess she met her lover up there~ Their love story is kinda sad, they separated apart...the distanced, the feelings of missing someone, and when u noe that u will never see the person again, it is really torturing!
I have a strange feelings since yesterday, and i noe im not suppose to have this kind of feelings...but somehow it keep playing in my mind! I guess the conflict wasn't solved yet, or i just thinking too much? I noe that it is non of my business, and that is nothing to do with me, but why i have this weird feelings? I dunwan to noe so much about it, and thx to someone kindness of telling me that, i do appreciate it but im much appreciate it if u keep that away from me, cos i rily dunwan to noe about it anymore!!! THANK YOU!!
I like the stars on the sky, and i guess im influenced by Erica...The stars will always on the sky and will never leave no matter how...For a long time i did not look at the stars in the sky.~When u'r busy with the daily life, please spend some time to look up on the sky and u will find that the nature beauty is on top of u, and the stars is shining on u~
Will u be my star that shine for me and stay with me forever?