After i took my lunch, i washed bed sheet and pillows casing while bathing, it took me around one hour in the bathroom. And that is the reason or secret how i maintaining my weigh, burn all the fat once after i ate, how i wish to become like a PIG (eat and sleep, do nothing).
FYI, the bed sheets and the pillows casing is all hand washed by me. And while i doing the washing, i compare the pillow casing that we bought and the one hand made by mama, the comparison is so obvious!!! Whereby the one that we bought, the color is faded away not even use it for two years, while the one hand-made and had been using more that ten years is still the same and the color even more attractive than the one we bought.
Hmm... then it reminds me of the secret how my mum preserve the color from faded away so that the quality and the quantity can last long, so that u can save money not to keep on buying the new ones.
The "petua" that had been practising since my grandma generation is really work and i don't think that the modern house wive nowadays will practise it. Maybe it sound familiar to u, perhaps it is not. The "petua" is rinse the bed sheet and the pillows casing during ur last rinse with the home-made glue. Listen carefully is home-made glue!!! And how to create the glue paste??
Ahha..., here is the method:
1. Tapioca starch mix with some water, stir it.
2. Add some hot water, stir it
3. DONE!!! Home-made glue paste, and if you're run out of glue u can try this method too.

Nowadays, who will still using this home made glue, especially the kids nowadays is pampered by the parents da, what they want the parents will definitely fulfill for them and that's really make them don't know the hard life that some people had been gone through! Besides that, the parents will only spoil and they will forever dependent to others!!
While I'm doing the washing in the bathroom, this came across my mind. I just wonder do the kids nowadays know how to wash their own clothes? Perhaps they don't even know how to wash their panty or underwear, everything is settle by their parents. Seriously i don't feel envy on this, except than looking down on this people!!!
There are alot of thought in my mind when i was doing the washing, when i see the the water that i soap the bed sheet is turning from grey into transparent clean water, i started to think how pity is the parents who do not have anyone to help them to do house chores. Even though my parents is not wealthy, but thanks God that my parents hv someone to help them do house chores and cooking when we are in Melaka. Hmm... I'm not giving compliment to myself, just that i had seen and observed so much what had happened around me, and i just wonder why these people don't feel ashamed of themselves being so lazy.
And oh ya, this remind me of another real story which is my conversation with one of my friend. We went to cafe to online, and i wanted to order something to eat and asked her wana shared with me or not, and she said she don't want to eat anymore because this few week she is jobless and she just stay at home and eat, she is gaining weight. Then i reply her, then do house chore la at home. After that her reply was so surprising, she said that "I"M NOT INTERESTED!!".
As what i know her, she is really lazy and never do any house chore, not even cleaning her own room!!! And u can see her car is mess like SHIT AND SMELLY!!! Lazy until that stage!!! I would said these people is useless!!! Seriously, i salute to her partner which can bear on her attitude and her dirty habit, yuck!!!!
Some people, i mean some parents will actually complaint about their kids being lazy and started to scold, yell to their children of doing nothing besides eating and sleeping! And i would said that it is too late ald, because these parents used to pampered their kids and instead of blaming the kids of not helping in doing house chores, the parents should self review that they had made a mistake by not asking and train their children since beginning!
So who do u want to blame? Blame yourself la!!!
And it is really funny when the parents said the children do not know how to cook, whereby the parents NEVER let their kid try before and NEVER ask them to step into the kitchen to learn, so how do they know???
That's why I'm strict to the people beside me especially those that i care, and i hate LAZY people especially GIRLS that do not know how to do house chores, because it really a shame that YOU AS A GIRL, YOU DON NOT KNOW HOW TO DO HOUSE CHORES!!!
And i always believed that the parents is the role model and very important in educating the child, pampered will only spoil your child and trouble yourself too!!!
So parents out there, do not neglect this responsibility, you are not only responsible in providing shelfter , foods and clothes to your children. You are responsible in educate your children to become an idependent person as well!