Last 2 nights was really a bad night to me, i can't sleep and my mind can't stop processing those concerns that will never end!!! It was really mentally abused me!!!
Jobs, parents, home, life...
Been pop up in my mind for several night and the previous 2 nights was totally abused me, my eyes was really tired and i was exhausted but my mind do not want to rest and it cause me another sleepless nights by seeing the time getting nearer and nearer to 6.45am. I SHALL WAKE UP AT 6.45AM, AND I'M STILL AWAKE! I hope that tonight won't be that bad.
I'm lost! I just wish that i can be alone now, single and be far away from anyone. I'm struggling...i wish to let go everyone that loved me, and just live alone and start my new journey which is far far away! Been thinking to go far for many weeks, i mean like very far not within Malaysia and wish to leave everything behind my head.
I started to asking myself, what is the meaning of life? And is this what i want?? I'm stuck at no where until i lost my way!!! All i want is just being myself, do whatever i want... but can i just abandoned everything and being such irresponsible person and just walk away???
When i do not demand for more, and that is the time i started to let go because it is no longer in my concern... and i just want to be alone without any companion.