Last Thursday after substance abuse presentation we went to Station -One for lunch, hmm,,,actually im kinda "Anti Station-One" lor! That day was the worst Presentation that we ever had! And i had prepared well by trying so hard to memorize all the information that i should present because whenever i get nervous i will definitely forget everything! But i guess his understanding ability got "A BIT" problem lor...KuanRu already mentioned that the multi-disciplinary approach is the combination of different parties, tak faham-faham ke?? Some more u ask us who played the most important role in the approach! Harlo, MR XXXXXX, she already said that is multi-disciplinary approach which need the combination of these parties in the treatment, tak kan still tak faham? I'm so stupid also can understand la, because it is not handled by me in the assignment. Not even our group faced this problem, even when other group is explaining certain point in their presentation, i also able to catch up what are they mean, and once again u as a tutor tak faham-faham ke?? If u not understand it, then i guess is your problem! Because I'm "stupid" than u, i also can understand what are they trying to said, but u??? If u tak faham, den u shouldn't use such a sarcastic words to bombarded us,k! And the second thing that u bombarded me, if u want a good explanation then i guess i should do a thesis and summit to u instead of doing assignment! Then i guess my assignment will exceed the page limit where u will minus the assignment mark!!! If u really want a good and precise explanation for the assignment, we can do it! But what if we exceed the page limit? Are u not going to minus our mark? And why there is page limit for our assignments? Can explain to me??

Ahhhh..I have to stop complaining about the silly stuff! ! We having fun at the cafe with this!! "Uno Stacko" ^^ I cant remember when was the last time i played this, i guess i played this game not more than 5 times. We had choose a nice corner in the cafe, can u see the greenish lighting table? Underneath of the table is the stone decoration, is a LOVE shape^^ Sweet ^^ Have fun in the cafe, but the food is XXXX! I'm not going to any Station-One Cafe anymore :(

We took some pic before we leave, and there is a "monkey" behind us! LOL... And oh ya, that day was Kvinz 2 years anniversary with Angelina, and he dint concentrate while we are discussing about our presentation on this coming Tuesday, cos he is thinking how to celebrate his anniversary, haha! Congratulation my friend :)