Today is our "Disorders of Childhood and adolescence", kinda nervous int he morning, even though i had presented for almost three years, yet still nervous!!! :( And i had the blue cheese cake brought from darling last night as my breakfast :)

Breakfast+Lunch at Old Town Cafe, long time never "lepak" at there with my gang da...Just realised that Old Town Cafe had new set menu, and at first i don't believed the picture in the menu had shown. It show a cup of coffee + 2 omega boiled eggs + 2 slides of toast bread= RM4. The reason i don't believed it because most of the time the picture that showed is different from what you ordered! So i asked the waiter few times is it exactly the same like the menu showed. Haha...make some fun only! After graduate no one can crazy with me ald :(
Then we decided go Mid Vally watch movie, suppose to wait for Kim Zuan and Fiona but too bad they have to reharcel for tomorrow counseling presentation, so we ajak Mr Kam from UCSI, he made his effort to came and meet us from far :) Alomost one year we never lepak together ald since we separated for our internship and after that he never back to UTAR anymore, but decided to study in UCSI, and he keep on telling me there have alot of leng lui & leng chai, bla bla bla...LOL! Anyways, I'm looking forward for more gathering and "lepak-ing" with them before we all left to persue our dream~ :(
* Since when Ivan became girl??*
Before we enter to the cinema, we watch the movie preview that showed, and i guess the new movie is either Korea or thai movie, the title is "Coming -soon", it is a horror movie that happened inside the cinema, and the movie preview is kinda scary and it look like very interesting. So when we enter the cinema room, out of sudden i feel scared when i think of the movie preview, and the room was not many people and we are in the middle row (cos Kvinz forgot to bring his glasses), infront and behind us got no one...

THUMB UP for this movie -Knowing. And i just love the actor so much, most of his movies is good!! Nicholas cage ^^ I like the story, the predictions...and i admit that the ending look weird with the aliens, but overall was good, and the movie touch my heart. Sooner or later the world is gonna end, and when i think about it it do terrified me alot! When someone can predict something, people tend to label them as insane and no one will believe the prediction. And i guess some people do have the ability to predict something, but how many people will believe them? Sometime we may find some hint or clue in our daily life, but we don't pick up the warning sign until it happened...Anyways, Knowing is a nice movie :)