MONDAY-Went BIG apple online with Huea, and she surprised me with this blouse! This blouse sewed by mama when she was pregnant me, she wore this as her pregnant blouse and now it DIY with a belt by Huea and it turn into an interesting blouse :)

Anna said these three daughters should treat mama on that day

*Fitting room*

SATURDAY-First thing after i got back home is:
tried all the new clothes, bags...
*Chanel* from someone- Is real Chanel hor! *Excited*
I love this dress very much, but is belong to Huea, bought it from Spore. Anyways, we can share :)
Our sweet heart "Tan Big Cow" bought this for me & Huea, EXOTIC!!!
and i choose... that one lor, LOL!

and i choose... that one lor, LOL!