Then after showed mama the ball, i kept it in my room. Then i wanted to watch drama at the kitchen just to accompany mama which is busying cooking, so...i used the old newspaper as a padding. And i dint realised that the picture in the newspaper is same like the stress ball until Huea told me. What a coincident huh :P
So we fool mama that we kept the stress ball inside the newspaper, and ask her to take it out when she wana use it! What a stupid joke! For sure mama wont believed la... then we asked her to touch the newspaper surface and teach her how to pull it out from newspaper some more :P You know what happened next?
Mama really followed our instruction and try pull it out after forced by us :) Then three of us end up laughing like mad! And that is really FUNNY ^^
I just love being crazy with my family, and it is HOME SWEET HOME!