It has been three years we stayed together, (additional few months for Tracy- from Sg Long to PJ).
It seem like a habit staying with them,
We slept together...
We cooked together...
We ate together...
We went ta bao together...
We did revision together...
... and many more...
The most unforgettable is we ald used to sleep beside each others.
It seem like a habit staying with them,
We slept together...
We cooked together...
We ate together...
We went ta bao together...
We did revision together...
... and many more...
The most unforgettable is we ald used to sleep beside each others.

The room is getting emptier and emptier...
It was a comfortable room for us,
and seriously i love this house very much!
This is the biggest room that i ever had!
Is really BIG!
(Tracy, im going to miss the sofa)
This is the only sofa pic that i have :(
And the bear bear is different story ald la...hehe!
(That is the biggest teddy bear that i ever had)
And one more part that i love about this room is:
We have our own balcony and therefore we can have our very own space to dry clothes:)
I'm very emphasis on the balcony! LOL
It is a good place for us to peep the opposite shop, our neighbours, pedestrians, and also the fight from the opposite mamak! LOL :P

He is a nice guy!
It is comfortable to shared alot of things with him..
from personal problems.. to girlish stuff...
And oh ya, we missed Kevin too!
(never snap any pic with him, sob sob!)

I really appreciate it alot ^^
It was about two years staying in this house,
everything is so familiar..
so many things happened at there as well..
and we also started our sweet love story from there too!
The first time we went out with our sweet heart when we are staying here..
The first time we online MSN chatting in this room and get to know our sweet heart.

AH MA, we love u so much!!!! :P
I miss ur laughter la!
There are so much memories with my dear jimui,
i just hope to see them happy and success in life :)
All the best sweetie^^