Friday, December 4, 2009

RIP to you

Why this song play when i need someone the most,
i need a shoulder,
i need a pair of hands,
i need a pairs of ears,
and i need a sincere heart...
RIP to my dearest friend,
I knew you for around 28 months,
28 months, does it long enough for me to know you?
I thought that you will be my best friends forever,
i thought that you know me the best,
i thought that you are the special friend that i ever found,
i thought that what i did to you is priceless,
and i thought that you will be my friend forever...
but today i got a news that you're far away from me.
Thanks for being my friend , and light up my life once.
I knew that sooner or later you would be leave me,
i keep on believing that you will be recover one day,
but today you exhale your last breath.
Even though is difficult for me to accept that you're gone,
yet i have to accept it and move on with my life.
Dear friend, REST IN PEACE~